MUIC: Mahidol University International College (There are Mahidols all over Thailand and I go to the international one)
Just getting to school is an adventure: after walking to the bus stop, I stand in the road and have to flag down a bus (as I am only the ever person at the bus stop), or rather the dump truck with 2 benches and a canopy. On Monday and Wednesday, I don't have class till 2:00 and on Tuesday and Thursday, not till noon! I am taking Intro to Thai Language and Culture, Tropical Ecology, Women in Southeast Asia, and Morality and Ethical Studies. I have learned enough Thai to convince the touristy places that I am a student so I don't have to pay the "foreigner" price and I get to go on really cool snorkeling field trips for Tropical Ecology. I haven't had an environment class since 10th grade though, so we will have to see how good I actually do in the class. (I am totally in it for the trips!!) The school is pretty small and I stay in the same big building all day. It kind of reminds me of high school, especially since all of us international kids congregate in the lunchroom during our free time. (And oh yeah, studying and homework have gone back to being not that important.) The uniforms are an entirely different story. It is kind of humerous to see how much the girls can express their "individuality." I've never seen so many short skirts, scarves and high heels in one place in my life! I tried heels for a day but I've decided to resort to crazy tennis shoes instead (Sorry Dad, but I'm bringing back 3 new pairs already). Of course I did put a little pink in my hair which has definitely earned me some strange looks and my personal favorite, "oh my gosh, what happened to your hair?"
Let me know what is going on back at home and Happy 17th Birthday Shale! (Take care of my car, please!)
The neighborhood where my apartment is:

A friend and me in our oh-so-fashionable uniforms (despite her rebelling and not wearing the right shirt):

Crazy, crazy Bangkok:

Walking into school:

*Click on the images for larger ones